Things can wait …because the world is broken
That file that needed to be sent last week, what happened to it now? As work slows down and operations die down, many things that appear urgent are not. Your 9 to 7 filled with endless meetings, the self-imposed stress to finish a task before starting another, the postponing of toilet breaks because an element has to be sent right now, man-made deadlines….When is that due now? The pandemic has unveiled the superficiality of many protocols, especially in the corporate world that we took as words of god.
It is one thing that the current situation has taught us is that nobody has all the answers, not the leaders and not the gentlemen (and ladies) at the top. Some of you probably have seen the speech of visionary Bill Gates, forecasting our current predicament with an impressive accuracy. So impressive that it gives you chills down your spine, but it begs the question, if he knew why did we not act on it sooner with preventive measures? Because we are too busy, being busy. We have preoccupied ourselves with short-termist measures, mostly capitalistic in nature. How to make more money, how to advance our careers, how to buy more of the latest gadgets coming out. While trying to keep up with technological advancements and blinded by a vision of a futuristic but very comfortable world, we lost sight of dangers brewing slowly around us. We forgot how to live peacefully with other living beings on the planet, we embraced the fallacy that we are the superior race and we, as humans, deserve to be here more than the others. Now has come the time, to say sorry, for being selfish and hogging the world’s resources. Like a child being scolded for not sharing his toy, we need to get on our knees now and apologise for our misbehaviour, before it is too late.
The world has been humbled, at least some of us and unless the delusional ones start gaining clarity, this vicious cycle will continue. Nature is very tolerant; she has watched us carry out our shenanigans for decades but even she has a limit. Do we realise we are only a tiny speck in this gigantic universe? That we could be wiped out in split seconds if an unknown decides to show up and put us in our place? Today, it is a virus, tomorrow it will be a new threat. The arrogance we exude because we have a voice to express ourselves and communicate, that has to disappear. Shall we put out ego aside and admit there is a power than is higher than us. It is time to get off our pedestal and make a peace pact with nature.
Time is of essence, but it is not too late. We can start by being present, by stopping to chase things we do not even need. It is only with that presence of mind can we start noticing disruptions, however subtle they might be. When we observe, we pay attention to what our universe is telling us. We see the signs. What some of us call new age and have been judging others for being into ridiculous jargons; ‘consciousness’, ‘awareness’, ‘being one with nature’, ‘present moment’, ‘mindfulness’ have become today survival skills. Had we paid attention when the beacon was flashing, we would not be here.
Amidst the current pandemonium that is currently going on, inside our own house, we have been given a gift. The gift to reset, to embrace our humanity and befriend time and space. To be kind and welcoming to other species. To reflect on the damage we have already done and to be accountable, individually and collectively. It is also giving us the opportunity to contemplate on our choices in life, during these times where we are locked inside our own homes and focus on securing the basics, to figure out what really matters. Do we really like our job? Do we feel we could contribute more to the new world that is shaping? Are we in the right relationship or living a lie? I am taking this opportunity to reconnect with my own house, to revisit every nook and corner, deep clean and pay my respect. Start by spreading positive vibes in your own abode, if you are living with people, wake up and show them a bright smile that we will pray together and get through this. And when all this is over, we will celebrate all that is good in this life and never take anything for granted again.