Why you will not go for you dreams if you are in your 30s or over

3 min readAug 12, 2020

You have already achieved security

You have been working for some years now and been progressing successfully in your career. The incoming constant salary pays the bills and you have earned some moderate financial success, maybe having a house to your name and can afford a good lifestyle with a decent social life. Somewhere in the back of your mind, there is always the question of: ‘what if life was different’’. Maybe, you have also attained mastery of your subject and it is too scary to forsake the safety and security it provides. The stability of a monthly pay check is reassuring and keep you content for most of the time, powerful enough to keep the nagging feeling of introspecting for a different life at bay.

Momentum bias

I first heard the term momentum bias from the entrepreneur MJ DeMarco, author of the book The Millionaire Fastlane. Momentum bias is the fear of wasting all that time, money and effort which went into getting you at this stage of life. For example, you have worked hard to get into a good school or achieve a certain qualification. You have had financial help from family or indebted yourself to earn a degree and got into a good job. Momentum bias is more pronounced if you hold a prestigious job by the standards of society and definitely harder if you are on your way to a big promotion with a noteworthy title.

The fear of reinventing yourself

You are already perceived in a certain way, by yourself and by others. You have established a pattern of behaviours, some acquired through your professional life and some through personal interactions. You have gained some self-awareness and maturity. Starting over and the attempt at a new life is daunting as the chapter of reinventing also presents losing some of your previous self or in more serious cases, a complete loss of identity and inability to begin anew.

The shame of being tagged a failure

You have had decent successes in your life and life has been pretty good, professionally and personally. You have never known failure in a way and concerned that you will not be able to get back on your feet if you failed at something. You could also be enjoying a low-key life and know you did well for yourself, considering your background, intelligence or obstacles surmounted. If you really pursue your dream and fail, you are scared of the stigma of being referred to as a failure. The one who was brave enough to take a leap of faith, sadly tried and failed.

Family commitments or I should have done so when I was younger

If you have already settled down and have family duties, you might think it is too late to pursue your dreams. There is simply no time to invest in a new avenue. Being a parent or taking care of an elderly is a full-time commitment on top of your actual job and you find it impossible to dedicate time to focus on a new venture.




Written by Sirene26

Top writer. Life Lessons through Work|Health|Personal Growth. Self-published author : www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPYWN9F2

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